CEO Greeting
Hello, I am Kyung-jae Hong , the CEO of See-through Tech Co., Ltd and am a dentist as well.
As a dentist who provides orthodontics treatment, I thought that the treatment should make the patient beautiful,
cause no discomfort, and should complete the beautiful teeth desired by the patient within the planned period.
We have established See-through Tech Co., Ltd. to correct the existing inconvenient treatment methods,
and have been striving to develop a safer, more accurate, and more predictable clear orthodontic system
than existing overseas clear orthodontic systems by improving the inconvenient methods
of bracket treatment and clear aligner.
As a result, we have achieved 10 Korean, USA, Japan, China, Canada patents for the production process
of clear aligner through our various accumulated technologies and expertise,
and have also published a book, [[ Contemporary 3D Digital Clear Aligner ]].
We are currently developing a next-generation SW program in collaboration with the Seoul National University
dental clinic which will enable a orthodontic treatment that is accurate and predictable as well as comfortable and effective.
In addition,we will do our best to be responsible for the beautiful health of humankind, utilizing artificial intelligence
and big data for medicalization of the 4th industry.
We ask for your continued interest in See-through Aligner, which is recommended by dentists providing orthodontic
treatments using See-through Aligner as well as the patients who have experienced the orthodontics themselves.
Thank you.
Kyung-jae Hong , CEO of See-through Tech Co., Ltd.

Pilot Business
- Established See-through Research Institute (KOITA certified)
- Registered as a venture company (technology guarantee fund certification)
- Achieved 9 domestic/international patents
- Secured Biomechanical Mechanism
- Supplied large volume of dental products to Asia including Korea, China, Japan, and Taiwan

Market Expansion
- Attracted primary crowdfunding for dentists
- Ranked 1st in market share among domestic clear aligners
- Developed Self-diagnosis App
- Published clear alignment textbook
- Developed self-diagnosis solution
- (Enabled diagnosis and telemedicine considering facial skeleton and growth)
- Established overseas factory
- Built "Automatic diagnosis" system using artificial intelligence and big data

Export Expansion
- Expanded Franchise Dental Clinic
- Remote Orthodontic Treatment Services
- Grew into a global multinational company